The insecure life is a path that most, if not all people, have treaded upon. It starts with developing mental agitations from a real vulnerable experience. Hormonal impulses transcribes these thoughts into mood instabilities. Such instabilities (aka emotions) reinforces intolerance, motivating people to compensate by demanding others to placate its mental agitations, in hopes they will cope with their existence once idealism would manifest. However, as we all know, idealism isn’t real. Idealism never comes.
- Vulnerability: The helpless feeling of lacking something necessary to feel secure.
- Psychological Intolerance: Anxieties triggered by one’s inability to cope with having vulnerabilities; these are awfulizing, catastrophizing or polarizing thoughts that are created and nurtured due to an unwillingness to accept realism.
- Mood Instabilities: These are negative emotions driven by hormones responding one’s psychological intolerances.
- Placation Demands: Compensating for its mood instabilities, the self aims to hold others accountable for stabilizing them by demanding realism to be readjusted or abolished altogether.
- Impulse: A wishful urge or desire to promote idealism to displace realism by compensating for the self’s vulnerabilities.