The Insecure Lıfe


The insecure life is a path that most, if not all people, have treaded upon. It starts with developing mental agitations from a real vulnerable experience. Hormonal impulses transcribes these thoughts into mood instabilities. Such instabilities (aka emotions) reinforces intolerance, motivating people to compensate by demanding others to placate its mental agitations, in hopes they will cope with their existence once idealism would manifest. However, as we all know, idealism isn’t real. Idealism never comes.

  • Realism: An experience where one faces its own vulnerabilities.
  • Mental Agitation: Triggered by an intolerable aspect of realism, these are the awfulizing, catastrophizing or polarizing thoughts that are chosen to be nurtured, resulting in the feeling of anxiety.
  • Mood Instabilities: These are negative emotions driven by hormones responding to the impulses of one’s anxieties.
  • Placation Demands: Compensating for being emotional, the self seeks to change out of it by demanding others to change reality to remove the triggering aspect of realism that’s feeding its mental agitations by holding others accountable for stabilizing its own mood instabilities.
  • Idealism: A coping belief that isn’t tied to realism, therefore, considered irrational.

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