Instagram the_insecure_man Worship, tribute or coddle the demands of my impulses! Having no existential purpose leads many to believ Purposelessness is a lifestyle, an ideology, a cho Guilt. #inadequate #narcissist #selfimportance #e Apathetic Self Preservation: For when you live in What's the purpose of a purposeless life? Where's Temptation masquerading as conscience. #inadequat When being an opportunist is a career goal. #inad #inadequate #insecure #selfimportance #empathy #s Free will vs no free will. #inadequate #insecure when you're forced into survival due to limited ec What happens when the physical survival requiremen Burning eyes wide open. Time ticks slowly. Mouth d Throat tightening. Blurred vision. The desperate e Be wary of the imposter. He is NOT who he say he i A purposeless life actively seeks distractions to Fragile people are sensitive and defensive. Mere w Posers are known for their posturing. They will tr Insecure men are frauds. #inadequate #insecure #s Pain sensitivity is linked with immaturity. #inad To be emotionalist, one must be insecure first. # Load More Follow on Instagram