CHARACTER DESIGN: Lord Spythe (Impulse God)

Lord Spythe, the vindictive, god of begrudgement


Lord Spythe is so obsessed with vengeance that he is willing to neglect his own health if it means satisfying himself in distressing others, including cutting off his own nose to spite his own face. Dreaming of exacting revenge on his enemies, Spythe creates effigy dolls of his enemies and stabs needles onto them in order to simulate his violent fantasies. Whether he is rightfully wronged or simply jealous that others are doing better than him, Spythe will be petty, unforgiving and obsessive in seeking revenge.


The urge/desire to hurt others.


To achieve a sense of fairness.


Hold a grudge against those who have either done better or done harm.


Demand suffering to be instilled onto others in order to stabilize his mood instabilities.


  • Jealousy towards those who are doing better than the self.
  • Desire to reciprocate pain onto those who have harmed the self, even if it means further harm will be done to the self.
  • Obsessing over a person or a group of people simply because the self deems it unfair for the person or group of people to exist in the manner that they do.
  • Pursuing justice over an injustice.
  • Delivering an act of vigilantism.
  • Pleasure in retaliation.


To receive your blessing from god Bitterman, design and build an effigy doll of someone you dislike. Then physically disfigure the doll to your liking.

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