CHARACTER DESIGN: Lord Wah-Wah (Impulse God)

Lord Wah-Wah, the delusionist, god of existential delusions.


Lord Wah-Wah subscribes to the belief that reality is meant to conform around his demands, for his mind is the focal point of reality and his experience of witnessing life in front of him, to the left of him and to the right of him instantly makes him the main character of existence. Refusing to recognize that he exists stagnantly, Wah-Wah can inflate his sense of self worth to any measure at will, in order to justify his existence, while suppressing the authenticity of his vulnerabilities. These irrational thoughts are existential delusions. They swirl within his mind to serve one main intention: to distract himself from the truth that he is driven by his impulses due to being born without free will. His natural existence amounts to the lifetime experience of unending boredom and passive dullness, driving him to artificially create meaning where none naturally exists in order to escape this recognition.


The urge/desire to be distracted.


Escapism / Entertainment


Sedate oneself to escape awareness of living a stagnant existence.


Demand reality to conform to his wishes in order to stabilize his mood instabilities.


  • Invention / preservation of the self-importance narrative to justify existing.
  • Artificially ascribing meaning where none exists. (status, wealth, other labels)
  • Sedating the self from having a sense of existential awareness. (use of drugs, porn, conspiracy theories, social media)
  • Life actions are motivated by a general intolerance of realism. (downplaying truths, lying, propaganda, discrediting science)
  • Obsessive behavior from repeating thoughts or urges.


To receive your blessings from god Lord Wah-Wah, close your eyes and think about the life you had as a baby. You were fed. You were carried. You were cleaned. You were entertained. You were given attention. During this stage of life, all comforts were given to you simply as a response to your crying. Now, will yourself to desire your adulthood to return to the privileges of your babyhood: where you are fed, entertained, given attention, and had your ass wiped for you. Then, open your eyes and let out a loud cry: “WAHHHHHHHH!”

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