CHARACTER DESIGN: Lord Karen (Impulse God)

Lord Karen, the entitlist, goddess of entitlement


Karen is owed more than she deserves to have and should be allowed to take anything that’s earned by others. She religiously believes that those who are capable exist only to be expended and exploited by the inadequate self, as the capable are meant to be servile and the inadequate self is meant to be the absolute beneficiary. This is because Karen is coddled as a child and grows up thinking that she is special and superior. As a result from her childhood, she develops a coping technique where she scapegoats someone of her choice into being her benefactor and secretly appoint that person with delivering on her expectations, even if that person hasn’t consented to such a role, whenever she feels helpless.


The urge/desire to hold others accountable for the inadequacies of oneself.


To enforce her sense of deservedness.


Influence the capable into being servile towards the inadequate.


Demand others to yield the merits of their hard work for the benefit of herself in order to stabilize her mood instabilities.


  • Gaslighting others, especially those who are more adequate at problem-solving, into taking on the role of a benefactor.
  • Positioning oneself into holding leverage over those who are more skilled, talented, intellectual, or capable.
  • Expecting oneself to be a beneficiary of others’ accommodations because of one’s wealth, ethnicity, gender or status.
  • Expressions of hostility when one doesn’t get what was demanded.
  • Accustomed to being surrounded by people who are agreeable and accommodating.


To receive your blessings from goddess Karen, walk up to a random person who owes you nothing and demand that person to placate you. If this person refuses or fails, demand this person to present you a manager, parent, priest or anyone who holds leverage over this person in hopes that you can hold influence over the second person to influence the first one.

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