CHARACTER DESIGN: Lord Impox (Impulse God)

Lord Impox, the perfectionist, god of posturing


Lord Impox is a perfectionist and a poser who is motivated by the need for recognition, attention, and obtaining subordination from others so that he can avoid the pain of rejection. Suspiciously fishy for always withholding his intentions, Impox lives to gain social approval, either by impressing or misleading others into believing that he is much more than what he actually is. Obsessed with perfection, Impox will fake his identity to match others’ expectations if it means he will fit in. When necessary, he’ll become a muscular man at a gym, a well suited millionaire at a gala, a sexy lady with an affinity for mini skirts on a dating app or a brilliant climate change scientist on the comment section of social media posts. Whatever the disguise, he has the charm and charisma to entice others into seeing him as one of their own.


The urge/desire to seek attention.


To be a being of significance.


Posture as those who are greater to get more social approval.


Demand others to socially affirm his irrational beliefs in order to stabilize the his mood instabilities.


  • Desire to be right all of the time.
  • Baiting others into expressing praise.
  • Unable to make decisions for itself, must depend on others to provide direction.
  • Imitating others to fit in.
  • Fear of social disapproval.
  • Draws comparisons between itself and others.


To receive your blessings from god Impox, create a fake social media profile online showcasing a much more idealized version of yourself. Then live the rest of your life pretending to be this fake person online. Make friends online. Go on virtual dates online. Avoid opportunities that would expose you, such as meeting people in real life or doing a video call where you show your actual face.

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