CHARACTER DESIGN: Lord Imoro (Impulse God)

Lord Imoro, the self righteous, god of moral disengagement


Lord Imoro says it’s wrong when you do bad things. But when he does them, it’s perfectly fine. When it comes to morality, Imoro has double standards: One set of standards for himself and another set of standards for everyone else. He accomplishes this either by dehumanizing others or by elevating his own uniqueness to justify his actions via a mental narrative he’s invented in his head about being morally superior. This very creative mental narrative, centering on how special and exempt he is, allows Imoro to disable his self condemnation and enable the violation of his own personal standards.


The urge/desire to avoid consequences.


To establish a narrative of self righteousness.


To avoid moral consequences, exempt oneself from rules that universally apply to others.


Demand others to treat the self as morally exempt from any of humanity’s ethical standards in order to stabilize the self’s mood instabilities.


  • Escapes consequences that would apply to others who break the same rules.
  • Anti-social behaviors at the expense of others. (sociopathy, psychopathy)
  • Holding double-standards.
  • Excessively judging of others’ morality to distract from seeing one’s own morality.


To receive your blessing from god Imoro, randomly shame someone for doing something that you’ve recently witnessed that person doing. Then proceed to do the exact same thing right in front of that person to demonstrate you find it immoral when others do it, but perfectly fine when you do it.

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