CHARACTER DESIGN: Lord Celph (Impulse God)

Lord Celph, the opportunist, god of opportunism


Lord Celph is the older (and more successful) brother of Wah-Wah. At an young age, he ascended the ranks in his place of employment. As he got older, achieved the status of CEO of multiple corporations. What’s the secret to his success? He crushed his competition using manipulation, holding leverage over the weak, ass-kissing those who have more power and making other morally questionable choices that were done for the sake of gaining an upper hand.

Celph believes his existence is centered around taking advantage of others so that he can reap the rewards of their hard work while avoiding the risks and suffering associated with performing actual labor and complex thinking. With a highly transactional mindset, he’ll offer you anything to get whatever he wants in return. This is because Celph wants to hold leverage over all others, pursuing superficial values such as status, wealth, titles, or authority in order to put himself in the high position of any power imbalance. He calls this the Celph-Advantage, aka self-advantage.


(Self advantage) The urge/desire to use others as a means to an end.


To avoid pain at all costs.


To avoid suffering, make everyone else expendable.


Demand others to disadvantage themselves for his own personal advantage in order to stabilize his mood instabilities.


  • Tendency to favor status, title, rank and other social labels that either promote hierarchy or make oneself feel special.
  • Heavy focus on self gain / advantage at minimal cost to one’s own time and resources.
  • Disregard for principles of being right, or wrong, or how one’s actions can manifest harm for others.
  • Willingness to manipulate others in order to acquire self gain.


To receive your blessings of god Celph, think of a household chore that would be painful for you to do. Then find someone to do that chore for you, whether it is by transaction or by taking advantage of a good samaritan.

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