By definition:

The practice of engaging in your impulses to feed your self-interest demands by requiring others to provide stabilizers for your mood instabilities due to having weak will.

Imagine an ideology, religion or creed that is solely centered around justifying or normalizing our biological impulses, demanding others to be servile in placating us for our psychological intolerances towards realism, where an entire people would engage in the anxieties of problems to develop mood instabilities so that they feel righteous in demanding others be expended to provide solutions, or mood stabilizers, for those problems. This belief system would be emotionalism. Its followers would be called emotionalists.

Emotionalists are insecure people who have chosen to express their agitations and anxieties as demands. Their agenda can be framed by the following:

“I demand [INSERT PLACATION DEMAND] to cope with my [INSERT MOOD INSTABILITIES] that were developed by the [INSERT PSYCHOLOGICAL INTOLERANCES] that I chose to nurture.”

Emotionalists are notorious for denying the reality of their vulnerabilities while serving their selfish impulses. At the expense of others, such impulses are expected to be placated via the receipt of others’ cooperation, voluntarily or not. The four greatest impulses that demand to be fed are:

  • Self-advantage: Feed the impulse of being positioned above others, whether you earned it from scratch (ie. wealth, status, accomplishments, attractiveness) or you convince yourself that it is already inherent within yourself (ie. superiority due to one’s ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation).

  • Validation: Feed the impulse of having your thoughts or beliefs be affirmed by others. This requires you to be surrounded by those who are willing to agree with you, as well as, be distanced from those who challenge your beliefs.

  • Comfort: Feed the impulse of being made free of pain or anxiety. Typically this is accomplished by expensing others into being your insulator, one whom is willing to absorb pain and anxieties on your behalf.

  • Entertainment / Escapism: Feed the impulse of being distracted, allowing you to be sedated from reality. Generally pleasure is the greatest sedative, easily achievable by spitefully witnessing the misfortune of someone you dislike or watching a funny video that spikes your dopamine. Other distractions can be adrenaline based, such as inventing propaganda that serves to instill fear within yourself so you can feel a greater sense of being alive.

It is common among those who are purposeless (the empties), who are yearning to escape the boredom their existence, to deliberately destabilize their mood so that they can demand others be responsible for restabilizing it. This allows them to receive attention from others that otherwise wouldn’t have been.

Because emotionalists are distinguished for their mood instabilities, societal culture trends around serving their agenda, as they are the global majority.

Day-to-day problems create psychological anxieties, as problems are mood destabilizers. Such problems are then economically answered by solutions, as solutions are mood stabilizers.

In the current day, mood stabilizers observably exist as various forms of products and services, designed to help emotionalists maintain their mood stabilities.

Mood instability: My car broke down. I’m agitated that I can’t get to work by tomorrow.
Mood stabilizer (service): A car mechanic can fix the car overnight.
Relief: I can now drive my fixed car to work on time.

Since intellectuals are best equipped to create such products and services (as solutions) to address society’s problems, the emotionalist majority has become emotionally dependent on the contributions of the intellectual minority. This dependence makes emotionalists needy, impulsively driving intellectuals to take on the role as their “meant-to-be” caregivers. Creating an environment that is becoming more and more hostile towards the capable, passionate, moral and thick-skinned in order to placate the mood instabilities of the inadequate, passionless, two-faced and thin-skinned.

**Note: All emotionalists are insecure but not all of the insecure are emotionalists. You can be insecure without demand.

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